Site structure based on keyword research

Site structure based on keyword research

Keyword research allows you to modify the structure of your site and complete it. You can choose the main keywords for the top pages that should be at the top of the hierarchy based on search volume and organic traffic potential. Although, if you haven’t done keyword research, you should consider doing it first. This will ensure that you complete the following steps in a systematic manner with all available information in mind.

Group your keywords to create a content hierarchy

Filtering the main page of your keyword research into groups of keywords related to a particular meaning or word is very useful. This becomes a must for larger e-commerce websites. Continuing with our kitchen appliances example, let’s take a look at a small sample of the keywords we’ve categorized:

Since manual classification takes a lot of time, having an automatic tagging system is very important.

We use Open Refine and its keywords to tag a lot of keywords at once, but the platform’s user interface is not very interesting. You can use no-code automation or ask an SEO expert to do your keyword research. In the next step, we will tell you about an alternative method suitable for beginners.

Categorization helps you determine the main keywords for each category, determine the page model, and create hierarchies that include Subcategory, Subpage, or filters.

Whether you have this data from your current site or competitor analysis, you need to make sure you are targeting the most appropriate keywords. For example, it makes sense to create two main categories for kitchen appliances at the top level, one for pots and one for pans, but it’s probably a better idea to combine them into one category called “Pots and Pans”. Is.

Identify the main keywords for your best pages

A less systematic and beginner-friendly way to categorize keywords is to go to your main keywords page in Site Explorer. In this section, you can find data from reports such as those that have a similar topic, keywords that rank for this topic, and keywords that are discussed next to these keywords by clicking on Terms or Parent Topic in See the sidebar in the keyword grouping.

The grouping of keywords under the title of Terms acts as a category filter of the Google Sheets classification that we gave an example of earlier. On the other hand, Parent Topic grouping can help you find different parent keywords and pages that are targeting those keywords and can rank for them.
Your top pages fall into these categories:

• Stand-alone Page: which does not need other sub-pages at deeper levels. (such as solutions, tools, pricing pages, contact information)
• Category Page: such as blog, product category, knowledge base, job page
• Content Page: High-level content about a topic that has many subtopics. (Like a page about marketing that links to subsections about market research, marketing strategy, and marketing tactics.)
• You can decide whether or not to expand your top-level pages based on your knowledge of the industry, common sense, and keyword research. Your keyword category tells you what to target when expanding your primary keywords

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